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Celebrating electroweak milestones at the Science Gateway – save the date!

On 31 October 2023, we mark the 50th anniversary of the observation of neutral currents and the 40th anniversary of the discovery of the W and the Z bosons with a symposium in the new Science Gateway auditorium

In 1973, neutral currents were first observed at the Gargamelle bubble chamber, a finding that paved the way for the discovery in 1983 of the W and Z bosons with the SppS. These two experimental discoveries put the electroweak theory on solid ground.

Starting mid-morning on 31 October, a joint anniversary symposium will celebrate these two milestones, offering a day full of scientific talks on the experimental discoveries. Other topics will include the evolution of the electroweak theory, subsequent neutrino (-beam) experiments, rounding off with present-day measurements and FCC-ee perspectives.

The symposium will be the first public scientific event to be held in the new main auditorium of the Science Gateway.

Save the date and stay tuned for further updates on the full programme!